Last week: Everyone arrives in Brazil. Jalapao goes to its first Tribal Council and enacts its first blindside. Who will be voted out...tonight?
Jalapao, immediately after the Tribal Council. The team convinces themselves they did the right thing and Sandy says that Carolina has nobody to blame but herself. But they're all swearing that Sandy is next anyway.
Credits. It amuses me that the eliminated people disappear each week, making the sequence a little quicker until they get to the Jury.
Day 5 at Jalapao and Joe decides that they're in need of protein. Several of them go find a termite mound and kick it over, then start picking up the bugs & eating them like so many M&Ms. Sandy wants to save some of them for bait, but she's overridden. A couple of them start gnawing on a huge larva but most of them are turned off by Steve's obvious distaste.
Timbira. The team is having problems starting a fire, despite having flint. But wait! That's not why they're stupid.
You probably remember that Sierra, upon arriving at the camp ahead of all the others, decided to do the decent thing and build the shelter instead of looking for the Hidden Immunity Idol. Despite all of her hard work, she decides that she's still not feeling the love, and maybe having a HII isn't such a bad idea after all. Sierra recruits Brandon to help her find it, and they head off to the beach together.
Unlike Sandy, Sierra and Brandon have some idea what a "pace" is, but their sense of direction appears to be impaired, as they locate what appears to be the stick and count off the ten paces. Then they start digging. And digging. And digging. That's one big honkin' hole they've got going on, here. There comes a point where you might think, "Hey, maybe we walked toward the wrong tree" because by now they could bury themselves alive and just be done with it, but no. It also doesn't occur to them that perhaps they're taking a long time and the rest of the tribe might go looking for them.
Debbie finds them on the beach and asks what they're up to. Sierra, thinking fast, tells her that it's a bonfire pit. "So we can pretend we're on the beach or something." Because they wouldn't be on the beach already? Maybe later on, they can pretend they're on TV or something. Dumbass.
But wait! If you think Sierra is a dumbass, then you'll love Debbie's reaction. She thinks it's a great idea and heads back to tell the rest of the tribe what they're up to. And they're a bunch of morons too, because they're pretty much okay with it. Nobody is suspicious of this? Are they already starved to the point of stupidity?
The only other guess I have is that, because the hole is so big, Debbie's gone far beyond the point of thinking that they're looking for something, because it's not as though a HII has ever been buried in a hole six feet long, four feet wide and three or four feet deep. Who the hell knows. And, for all their effort, they don't find anything.
Commercials. You know, I'm typing this on my brand-new Dell laptop, and I don't have hot chicks climbing all over me. Now I know why the red carapace costs fifty dollars more.
When we come back, we're still at Timbira. There's debate over whether to cook rice, beans, or rice and beans all in one pot. This is one bored team. It's clear that there's a little friction between Coach and Candace, however. Candace confessionals that in other circumstances she would have brought it on, made him cry, yada yada yada. We're treated to some kiss-and-make-up footage without the kissing, although it's not for lack of trying on Coach's part. Well, he tried the French kiss thing on the side of her head.
Jalapao. Everyone's chitchatting and Taj lets it slip that her husband is Eddie George, the famous football analyst. Now most of the team is pretty much in the "she doesn't need the money" camp, with the possible exception of Stephen, who has no idea who Eddie George is. Don't feel bad, Stephen: I watch football and I'm not clear on Eddie George.
Come on in, Guys!
This week is a combination reward/immunity challenge, which involves a game that's somewhere between Greco-Roman wrestling, water polo and basketball. In the rain. The reward is a bunch of fishing gear. In addition, the winning tribe sends someone to Exile, plus another twist which will be revealed after the challenge. Debbie sits out the challenge.
This is one of the more physical challenges I've seen that didn't involve people nearly dying, like we saw last season. There's a lot of blurring done by the post-production crew on both teams and both sexes. This is the least sexy girl fighting I've ever seen. Timbira goes up 2-0 in this three-point game, but Jalapao catches up and ultimately wins the challenge.
Although Coach appeared to be dragging on the second-to-last point, I don't think Timbira's loss could really be hung on anyone; it's largely a matter of who ran out of steam first. Both teams looked pretty bushed by the end.
Jalapao decides to send Brandon to Exile, and the twist is that Brandon gets to choose someone from Timbira to join him. Brandon selects Taj. Timbira has a day and a half to figure out who's getting voted out; Tyson opines in an interview that it's probably Sierra.
After the commercial, Jalapao returns to camp, victorious. And off they go to do some fishing. JT seems to have some clue about using the fishing gear, which starts a man-crush in Stephen's heart. He actually uses the word "smitten." JT is digging the attention. Despite not catching any fish, Stephen thinks it was a successful outing because they're like BFFs now.
Exile. Brandon and Taj arrive and find some supplies, plus a pair of urns. One urn (the one chosen by Taj) is empty; the other contains a clue to a Hidden Immunity Idol. Since they're not going anywhere anyway, he shares this information with her and they manage to figure out that it's hidden back at their camp. Well, Taj figures it out. Brandon realizes it right after Taj points it out to him based on the way the note is worded. So now Brandon is wise to TWO HIIs being hidden at his camp. He spends some time bonding with Taj and trying to figure out how they can both go back to Exile so that they'll have a monopoly on the clues.
Back at Timbira, the team eats rice & beans and discusses who needs to go home. Candace thinks that Coach isn't getting it done and wants him gone. Debbie leaks this information to him and he begins his own campaign to send Candace home.
This is where Coach, to me, is full of crap. Last week he was all about keeping the stong people together; early on it's all about the strong people and how they need to survive. Apparently that's only when they're all on the same page with him. So rather than continue with the original plan to oust Sierra, he's going to go after Candace. Bah.
Brandon comes back from Exile and tells most of the truth about his experience, lying only about the fact that he received the HII clue.
Coach interviews that he's publicly stating that Sierra is going but he's still working on getting the others to vote for Candace. For the third time in a few minutes he refers to Candace as a "cancer." Enough, already. Despite assurances from Coach, Sierra interviews that she's still nervous as we get a shot of the empty hole that's still on the beach.
Tribal Council. Probst reminds everyone that the original vote-out was for Sierra and how the team was able to use the multi-mile hike as a bonding experience in which she didn't participate.
Coach notes that at this point in the game nobody's going to tell you that you're not fitting in. Brandon relates a little about his stay at Exile. Jerry notes how important trust is in this game and that he's bonded with his tribe, so he's going to have a hard time voting tonight. Errin, on the other hand, doesn't have a problem. She doesn't think anyone really knows anyone yet.
Tyson votes. Candace votes for Sierra. Debbie votes. Sierra votes for Candace, calling her a "snake in the grass". Jerry votes. Brandon votes, Erin votes. Coach slings his jacket over his shoulder as he walks up to the voting booth. The look in Probst's eye says that even he thinks Coach is kind of a douche for doing that. Coach votes.
We get a rare shot from the voting booth of Probst walking up to the vote urn. He comes back and it's Candace, Sierra, Candace, Candace, Candace, Candace and that's all she wrote. Candace is snuffed and Probst doesn't even have to tell her that it's time for her to go. He does take the time, however, to point out that the team has pulled off its first blindside.
Candace's exit speech is typically bitter. "They're gonna need me." Even the CBS feed is bored with this, as it gets cut off near the end.
Next week: Taj makes a secret, evil alliance, and the teams play with really big blocks.
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