Two bits of Survivor news this week.
First, the premiere episode will be pushed back a week, to September 25. There's also word that this first episode will be two hours long, although it's not known whether this will simply be a two-hour version of the first three days, or if there will be two eliminations during the course of the show.
In addition, the cast for this season, which was filmed in the African nation of Gabon, was announced this week. Andy Dehnart, of the Reality Blurred website, was on-hand for the first few days to meet the cast and see some of the production. Obviously he can't say much about the episode he saw until after it airs, but it'll be interesting to see his reactions to the various cast members over the next several days.
Here's the rundown of the cast, listed alphabetically by first name, per CBS' website:
Ace is a 27 year old Jewelry Salesman who lives in Naples, Florida. The best part about his biography is the quotation about his education. Even CBS saw fit to insert a "[sic]" into the quote because it's just this side of nonsensical.
Bob hails from Portland, ME and is a Physics Teacher. I get the feeling that he'll be an early favorite, sort of a Caucasian Yau-Man. At 58, he's not quite the oldest of this bunch.
Charlie is a lawyer from New York City, but apparently we shouldn't hold either of those against him. My first reaction to his photo was "Oh, he's this season's version of Todd Herzog." THEN I saw the part of the bio that stated that he's gay. Whether the others have learned from Todd's actions...nah, never mind. Nobody behaves as though they'd seen the show before.
Corinne is a 29 year old Pharmaceutical Sales Rep from Los Angeles. She's being cast as the catty bitch type who manipulates everyone. Dehnart didn't think much of her either, apparently, but he hasn't gone into detail yet.
Crystal won the Gold Medal in the 2004 Olympics, in the 4x400 meter relay. Which is probably more than you've done. Although her bio notes that she "currently works as childcare teacher, high school track coach and a professional athlete", the tag we'll be seeing on-screen is "Former Olympic Athlete." Go figure.
Dan is Attorney Number Two in our gang this season, and he's also from the East Coast, but it's Boston this time. His biography is HUGE. I think someone at CBS is sweet on him.
Danny "GC" is this season's version of James. He's a Maintenance Man from the Other Portland (Oregon). Don't know if they'll be calling him "Danny" on the show, or "GC". The bio refers to him constantly as "Brown", his last name. I have to wonder if this is a clue to early elimination, as though the producers never really found out.
Gillian is a 61 year old librarian from Temecula, CA, which makes her the oldest Survivor this season. Based on the bio, she's a pretty tough old lady, though. Who knows, she may go far.
Jacque comes from Santa Barbara, CA. It doesn't say, but I'll bet her name is pronounced "Jackie". If so, then I hate her already.
Jessica is a Pin-Up Model from Brooklyn, NY. Even the photo on CBS' website is tarted up. It turns out she's done a little acting, too.
Kelly works in retail sales up in Buffalo Grove, IL. I get absolutely no vibe from her bio. Dehnart hates her, although again he hasn't really said why, yet.
Ken is a "Professional Gamer" from Westminster, CA. He's hoping to be a secret Challenge Monster, but for how long can you keep that a secret?
Marcus is a doctor from Atlanta, GA. He's hoping to charm his way into winning. OK.
Matty is another California dude, this time from Pacific Palisades, where he's a personal trainer. One of his biggest accomplishments in his 29-year life is apparently pissing away a sizeable inheritance from his grandparents. Party on, dumbass!
Michelle is a Music Producer from Los Angeles. From her bio, she hasn't had a lot of stability in her childhood, and it's beginning to show in how she handles her personal affairs. Look for her to hook up with some guy on the show, only to break up with him shortly after the reunion.
Paloma is a student from California (surprise!). If she wins she's hoping to use the money to open an orphanage, or a school, or some such, in Kenya. What's wrong with opening an orphanage right here in the USA?
Randy is a 49 year old Wedding Videographer who comes from Missouri. Based solely on his bio, I get the feeling that he's going to piss a few people off.
Finally, we have Susie, a hairdresser from Iowa. For whatever reason, I'm willing to bet that she goes far this season.
So that's the eighteen cast members. You can catch individual interviews here. In the meantime, here's a quick preview of the group: