Thursday, September 25, 2008
Survivor Gabon Premiere Tonight

Friday, September 19, 2008
Survivor Previews Online and Off

There are a bunch of preview videos for Survivor Gabon over at Cnet TV.
The first one is the opening three-and-a-half minutes of the show, which would be the teaser, the opening credits and then maybe the first thirty seconds of the show itself, as the contestants schlep toward a welcoming Probst.
The next batch of videos appear to be mostly the same footage that's incorporated into the preview program that's been airing on TV Guide Network. The best part about watching the videos here is that you don't have to deal with watching Parvati Shallow standing in a zoo and trying to read the cue cards with nearly-cute jokes.
The first video is a tour of the Tribal Council set, along with a couple of weird stories regarding problems they had getting it built.
Next up is a "Castaway Preview", where Probst gives us his early impressions of this season's cast. This video is over seven minutes long and is broken into many pieces on the TVGN show.
Next is about three minutes of gorgeous footage from Gabon. Don't forget that this season is shot in High Definition, so it should be something to see. Speaking of which...
Finally there's a piece about the technical end of shooting the show in HD. Some of this footage, but not all of it, was in the TVGN preview. It's kind of interesting to see just how close the cameras and boom mikes are, sometimes.
Fair warning: a couple of the videos could be considered a little spoilery, since you do see the way the tribes are divided up, and a little bit of stuff from challenges, but there are no big secrets given up here.
There's footage in the TVGN preview that doesn't appear in the Cnet videos, so if you can deal with Parvati trying desperately to sound natural (not to mention the commercials), look it up. They're showing it about a million times between now and the 25th.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Survivor Premiere Pushed Back; Meet the Cast

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Season 13 Teams Announced

Mark & Bill: have been friends for over 20 years, ever since they met in a science fiction club. They acknowledge their geekiness, and they're hoping to be considered the most strategic team ever.
Anita & Arthur is the older beekeeping hippie couple you may have heard about. According to the bio, they're ready to go see the world together. For my money, they're going to go down earlier than they should because they're going to spend too much time sightseeing.
Terence & Sarah is this season's Dating Couple. With any luck we'll see their relationship come completely unraveled as the race progresses.
Marisa & Brooke: on the surface they appear to be a slightly younger version of Season 9's Glamazons/Frosties. Then they break out the "we're not just cute blondes, we're cut-throat competitors, we're not above flirting to get ahead" clichés, and we realize that they're more like a slightly older version of Team Pink, also from Season 9.
Andrew & Brad, while fraternity brothers, are reportedly called "Team Superbad" by other teams. This is according to the bio. According to the "meet the teams" video on the CBS site (embedded at the end of this post), this this is the name they've given themselves. These aren't the frats we're used to seeing. In fact, these guys might actually be a little bit fun, so long as they don't use the word "awesome" too much, which unfortunately doesn't seem likely.
Aja & Ty is this season's Long-Distance Couple. Enough said about that. It's fun to note that in the bio, Ty "looks forward to the Race as a chance to explore other cultures". Has he not watched this show? Only way you're gonna get some culture is if they feed you yogurt, dude.
Toni & Dallas: this season's cross-generation couple. Toni was apparently a single mother who views raising Dallas as her biggest accomplishment. I don't know why I'm getting this vibe, but I'm kind of hoping to get a couple of uncomfortable, too-much-information kind of moments out of their relationship.
Nick & Starr are the siblings of this season. Supposedly they each have a very competitive streak in them, but it's usually with each other. It'll be interesting to see if this dynamic causes them to spiral in, or if they can turn it into a kind of synergy. Starr's big "hook" is that she's a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. But she's not alone in that, because we have...
Kelly & Christy: one's a former collegiate cheerleader, the other is a former collegiate dancer. They're best friends and they want to be the first all-female team to win. And in their spare time they solve crimes! OK, maybe I made that last part up.
Ken & Tina: this is the couple that's using a game show to see if they can reconcile their marriage. Because a month of Killer Fatigue is the perfect environment for this sort of thing.
Finally, we have Anthony and Stephanie, another separated couple who are using a television show to put their relationship back together. Again, people who haven't been watching the show.
The "Meet the Cast" video: